The interface is designed to be used in conjunction with a Scott Edwards Electronics SSC2 servo controller.
It's purpose is to transfer movements of an analog computer joystick into servo motion.
It allows the user precise control of three R/C servos using an analog joystick, steering wheel or other control that simulates the PC joystick input.
Here's a photo showing the interface with a joystick connected.
Since the data between the joystick and the servos is asyncronous serial, the servo end can be located almost anywhere serial data can be sent, either through a cable or wireless connection.
The interface has user selected data speeds of either 2400 or 9600 baud which matches the SSC2.

click on schematic for full page view
This is my interface connected directly to an SSC2 driving three demonstration servos.
Other users have replaced the jumper between the interface and SSC2 with data radios and remotely controlled servos miles away.
The zip file pack contains the PIC assembly source code, PDF schematic and read me file.
To download the 25k zip file click here.
The PDF schematic included in the file pack shows how to build a simple, precise controller to replace the joystick.
This has been used for pan and tilt control of a remote operated camera.
Applications are only limited by your imagination.

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This page was updated 2-13-2006